Videos & Photos


This photoshow was produced during my February and November 2005 visits to help with immediate rebuilding and to oversee the expenditures of donations through the Buddhist Council of the Northwest. It was used as part of a fund raising program that is no longer active.

Photos of the devastation resulting from the Tsunami and the reconstruction projects that evolved from it can be seen here (Destruction and Reconstruction)

This photoshow is from November & December 2007 when I was in Godagama to conduct basic English classes. It contains scenes from the welcome ceremony that was held to initiate the project, the classroom and students, and the graduation ceremony for the Olivia Pre-school where Sandra and I donate the 2 teachers’ salaries each month.

During my 2007 visit I made this photoshow as a memento for the villagers. It contains scenes around the village and photos of many of the villagers.

A number of international Buddhist organizations donated a new residence for the village monks in 2007. The building was completed in January 2008 and dedicated with a large community celebration. During my stay, the villagers and monks were often busy scrubbing and painting the compound in preparation for the festivities. This photoshow depicts those activities as well as day to day life at the temple.

My Photo Galleries at Picasa (Google)

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